St. Paul the Apostle has been blessed with dynamic growth in our parish and school. Many families find here a safe, loving home to worship and to educate their children. The growth led us to create a comprehensive facilities master plan to assess the current and future needs of our community.
A feasibility study to respond to the plan’s conclusions showed support for a capital campaign. This campaign is necessary to fix our most critical space shortcomings to adequately welcome more families and to live our mission. We are calling it
The campaign priorities that have emerged from your feedback include:
the former Hope Network House into a new early childhood center
innovative flex spaces for parish and school use
items central to our sacramental and devotional life
updates and maintenance to our current campus
In the coming weeks, several informational meetings will be held to provide opportunities for further education regarding our plan and the campaign. These meetings are a time to gather as a community to learn more. We hope to see you there!
Our TOGETHER WE GROW campaign will benefit our entire parish and school community. All of us are being invited to pray, consider a sacrificial gift, and support this critical endeavor according to our individual blessings. To allow time for prayer and reflection with God about the sacrificial gift we might offer in support of this campaign, parishioners will not be asked to make a pledge commitment until the spring. We will share more information with you as the time nears.
As parishioners before us worked to establish a suitable place for worship, growth in faith and education, it is now our responsibility to do the same for future generations. Let us pledge to continue strengthening God’s kingdom in Southeast Grand Rapids, guided by the inspiration and support of our patron saint, St. Paul the Apostle.
In Christ,
Father Peter Damian and Michelle Morrow
Dave & Carol Burgess and Jared & Morgan Veldheer,
Campaign Co-Chairs

O God, Our Father, you called us
to walk in the footsteps of St. Paul the Apostle
as your faithful and fruitful disciples.
We give you thanks for the growth you have given
to our parish and school community!
Lead us, inspire us, unite us!
Bless our Together We Grow campaign,
and all of our efforts.
Build up your Church
so that we may glorify you in all we do,
in our worship and in our ministries.
Help us to see your work in and through us,
and respond generously to your call,
so that together we may continue to grow
according to your holy will.
We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ
and in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Holy Apostle Paul, pray for us!