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What is the Goal for the Capital Campaign?
The campaign seeks to raise $4.72 million which will allow us to invest in much-needed infrastructure and building improvements at SPA.  With this funding, we will be able to provide flexible multi-use spaces for the growing ministries at SPA, namely an early childhood center and a commons area, that can be used during both the school day and after school for parish ministries. The infrastructure updates are required by code but will also allow for an improved flow of traffic off of Burton.


What if the parish does not reach its target?
We intentionally started with a large master plan which was scaled according to your feedback so we are confident that we can reach our goal. If we do not meet our goal for some reason, the campaign committee will  provide Father Peter with recommendations following an evaluation of the campaign. We are hopeful that by working together we can not only meet but exceed our goal.  


Isn’t this the wrong time to ask parishioners to sacrifice?
Our parishioners and school families have been most generous in supporting the St. Paul the Apostle community and we have no doubt that we can come together again for this important campaign. While it may not be realistic for some to make monetary pledges, most can make gifts of time or talent in support of this campaign.


Why don’t we use monies collected in the weekly offertory for the projects?
Our weekly income helps us maintain the campus, pay salary and benefits, and operate our programs and activities. As a non-profit, 100% of our weekly contributions, school tuition, and fundraising events are budgeted for church 
and school operations. This is why we are asking parishioners to make a sacrifice above and beyond their normal weekly giving.


When do we plan to start renovations?
We are blessed that the diocese has approved the early childhood center project to start prior to the completion of the capital campaign so that we are able to move into the building by August 2023. The remaining pieces of the project (liturgical space & the flexible commons space) will be contingent on the funds received from the campaign.


Do we have or are there any liability issues that would take precedence on what infrastructure gets repaired first?
The water and parking infrastructure are all built into the renovation costs of the Early Childhood Center building which is slated for completion by August 2023. 
We are not aware of any other issues at this time.

Why is this needed now?
Our parish and school have been blessed with growth and vibrant activity!  Over the past five years we have seen tremendous growth in all of our ministries including weekly bible studies, women's & men's groups, increased students in faith formation, school enrollment growth, as well as community events. Due to the exponential growth of the school, we have added three portable classrooms to accommodate our current enrollment. By City ordinance, these classrooms can only be on our property for a total of four years so we need to begin working toward a permanent solution to accommodate the growth we are witnessing.


Is the early childhood center (ECC) too close to the street for the safety of small children?
We have accounted for the location of the ECC to ensure the safety of our youngest students in several ways:

  • We will close the curb off of Burton with plans to extend the natural landscape to increase the barrier between Burton and the building

  • The entry of the building will be redesigned to be off of our parking lot (by the current location of the pantry) instead of near Burton.

  • Additional fencing and landscaping will be designed and added for enhanced safety of our young students.


Why no gym or adoration chapel?
The Breton Group, our campaign consultants, advised us on what was financially possible, and what was supported, based on the feasibility study and community feedback.  As a result, our team reviewed and prioritized aspects of our master plan that could be completed based on the recommendations. While a new gym and new adoration chapel are unattainable at this time, they remain on our list of master plan improvements we would like to make in the near future.   


What will happen to the food pantry?
The food pantry will be temporarily relocated to the garage that is attached to the 
parish offices. Stay tuned for additional details.


How can I help?
Prayerfully consider your God-given gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Following prayer and discernment, please make a pledge at a sacrificial level to support this important campaign when the time comes. If you discern that a monetary gift is not possible, consider how you might share your gifts of time and talent with the campaign. Contact the parish office or visit our campaign website if you would like to volunteer to help. Above all, please pray for the success of this campaign. 


Please submit any questions you have about our Together We Grow campaign using the form below. We will reach back out to you with an answer.

Thanks for submitting!

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