Our upcoming Capital Stewardship Campaign will require not just a few of our parishioners, but every parishioner to pray, consider a sacrifice, and support this important endeavor. Because each of us is blessed differently and capable of different gifts, we are each asked to support this campaign accordingly. If you are interested in helping on one of the many committees for the campaign, fill out the form above. A complete list of the committees is below, along with a brief description to help you discern your area of interest. We need each and every household in our Parish to participate to ensure a successful campaign!
Generate early support for the campaign from parish leadership and prospective major donors. Early commitments (pledges) can help build confidence that the campaign will succeed and inspire everyone to do their part by making a significant gift investment/commitment.
The advance commitment team is responsible to develop two strategies:
Personal, one-on-one visits or small intimate receptions with significant donor prospects and anyone who should be contacted individually.
Larger reception for church and school leadership (defined as enduring contributors of time, talent, and treasure).
Recruits and oversees a team to plan and implement activities designed to engage the children and youth and their understanding of the campaign.
Recruits and oversees a team to make follow up phone calls to any households who have not made a commitment/pledge after an appropriate amount of time toward the end of the campaign. (This does not involve pressuring people or asking for money—just asking that pledge/commitment cards be returned, registering their intentions.) The team will be trained and given a script by The Breton Group for telephoning households to encourage completion of commitment cards.
Recruits four sub-committee leaders and leads the sub-committees to effectively communicate a consistent message of the “what and why” of the campaign and the impact of the campaign on the parish. Sub-committee leaders recruit committee members and oversee activities.
Presentation Sub-Committee Leader
Organizes campaign informational presentation events and meetings (Presentation outline/format provided by The Breton Group).
Printed Materials Sub-Committee leader
Responsible for all printed materials. (All drafts provided by The Breton Group for parish customization.)
Social Media Sub-Committee leader
Utilizing campaign print collateral, develops and shares social media campaign communications content.
The Contact Team will make courtesy phone calls to all parish households simply to ensure awareness of upcoming scheduled information presentations and to help build enthusiasm.
Holds the role of point person between the parish office staff and Business Manager for all campaign administrative activities/needs, i.e., mailing lists, generating letters, phone lists, room reservations, bulletin and pulpit announcements, social media posts, etc. Interacts and communicates with most campaign teams and office staff.
Designs the three-year follow-up plan for the campaign, initiates new parishioners regarding the campaign, and maintains awareness of the campaign throughout the pledge-payment period.
Recruits and oversees a team that coordinates campaign events, e.g. receptions, information meetings. The team also makes courtesy phone calls prior to the parish leadership advance commitment reception for those who have not RSVP’d to ensure awareness and build enthusiasm.
Will oversee the recruitment of a team responsible for mailing all campaign communications produced by the communications team, including folding, stuffing, affixing address labels, postage, and ensuring timely arrival at the post office.
Oversee the recruitment of a team to work with the pastor to design and implement a plan to focus on prayer as a primary component of the campaign. Includes a campaign prayer, special prayers of the faithful, short personal witness or testimonies.
Assists and facilitates the recruitment of all campaign teams by maintaining a list of members available to be recruited to a campaign team and their contact information. The goal is to increase parish-wide participation in the campaign and to prevent those who have been recruited from being contacted again.